
J. Thompson Wyatt Post 2, Inc.


Pay Center FAX numbers: (retiree) 1-800-469-6559; (216) 522-5955 (SBP/RSFPP annuitant) 1-800-982-8459 Online account access: https://mypay.dfas.mil

TRANSITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM:  http://www.turbotap.org/register.tpp 

Government Job Search Report


Online contact info (includes e-mail link): http://www.dfas.mil/retiredpay/contactus.html

myPay customer service: 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, Commercial 216-522-5096, or DSN 580-5096.

Social Security http://www.ssa.gov ; 1-800-772-1213 (If overseas, contact the American Embassy/consulate, or go to http://www.ssa.gov/foreign/phones.html  or FAX 410-597-1800.) Medicare http://www.medicare.gov ; 1-800-633-4227

Reserve https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/reserve  (requires Army Knowledge Online login)

Reserve Benefits: 1-800-318-5298; (314) 592-0553

Application for Reserve Retired Pay: (You should receive packet at age 58.) Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis; ATTN: AHRCPAP-T; 1 Reserve Way; St Louis, MO 63132-5200 Retiree Mobilization: Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis; ATTN: AHRC-PLM-O; 1 Reserve Way; St Louis, MO 63132-5200; (314) 592-0000, ext. 3030

VA http://www.va.gov Regional Offices: 1-800-827-1000 (Retirees overseas should contact the American Embassy/consulate); TDD (Telecomm. Device for Deaf) 1-800-829-4833

Insurance: VA Regional Office and Insurance Center; PO Box 7208 (claims inquiries); PO Box 7327 (loans); PO Box 7787 (payments); Philadelphia, PA 19101; 1-800-669-8477

Health Care Benefits: 1-877-222-8387

Grave Information: 1-800-697-6947


GI Bill: 1-888-442-4551


TRICARE Information http://www.TRICARE.mil


TRICARE North: 1-877-TRICARE; https://www.hnfs.net/bene/ home; CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, VA, WI, WV, some ZIPs in IA, MO, TN


TRICARE South: 1-800-444-5445; http://www.humanamilitary.com/home.htm ; AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, OK, SC, TN (except 35 TN ZIP codes near Ft Campbell), and TX (except the extreme SW El Paso area)


TRICARE West: 1-888-TRIWEST; https://www.triwest.com/triwest/default.html ; AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IA (Except 82 Iowa ZIP codes near Rock Island, IL) KS, MO (except the St. Louis area), MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OR, SD, SW TX, UT, WA, WY


TRICARE Overseas: 1-888-777-8343; http://www.TRICARE.mil/overseas/index.cfm


TRICARE for Life: 1-866-773-0404; (TDD for hearing impaired 1-866-773-0405); http://www.TRICARE.mil/tfl/default.cfm


TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy: 1-866-363-8667; http://www.TRICARE.mil/pharmacy/tmop.cfm


: 1-866-363-8779; http://www.express-scripts.com.

Email: TRICARE_help@otsg.amedd.army.mil 

Veterans On Line Applications (VONAPP)

 What is VONAPP?

General Description: The VONAPP (Veterans On Line Applications) web site is an official U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) web site, that enables veterans to apply for benefits using the Internet. U.S. military veterans and some service members within six months of separation or retirement can apply for compensation, pension, and vocational rehabilitation benefits. U.S. military veterans, service members with two years of service, and members of the Selected Reserve can apply for education benefits. VONAPP also has a link to VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits


Recreation Centers http://www.armymwr.com


Cape Henry Inn and Beach Club: (757) 422-8818, FAX: (757) 422-6397 http://www.capehenryinn.com


Hale Koa Hotel, Hawaii: (808) 955-9424, 1-800-367-6027; FAX1-800-425-3329) http://halekoa.com


Eidelweiss Resort, Bavaria: 011-49-8821-9440; FAX 011-49-8821-944-4135 http://www.edelweisslodgeandresort.com


Shades of Green, FL: (888) 593-2242; (407) 824-3665 http://www.shadesofgreen.org/reservations.htm


Dragon Hill, Korea: 011-822-790-0016; FAX 011-822-790-1576; reservations@dhl.korea.army.mil


Air Force Afterburner: http://www.retirees.af.mil/afterburner/



Air Force Retiree Activities Offices

Virginia Langley Phone: (757) 764-7386 e-mail: retireeactivities@langley.af.mil


New for US Air Force Retired Personnel:



Coast Guard Evening Colors: http://www.uscg.mil/ppc/retnews/


Marine Corps Semper Fi: https://www.manpower.usmc.mil, then click on “Semper Fidelis Online” under “News and Features”


Navy Shift Colors: http://www.npc.navy.mil/ReferenceLibrary/Publications